Business Tax Prep Form

Your Name *
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Your e-mail *
Please enter a valid email address.
Business EIN Number *
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Business Legal Name *
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Business Address
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Date Company was Incorporated
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Description of main business activity *
Fill out this field
What is your business structure?
Select an option
Business Owners *
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Initial Amount of Capital Contributed by each owner
Fill out this field
Do you have a home office?
Select an option
What is the square footage of your home office?
Fill out this field
What is the square footage of your home?
Fill out this field
Did your business pay any contractors more than $600 during the tax year?
Select an option
If yes, did you provide your contractors with 1099s?
Select an option
How do you track your revenues and expenses? *
Fill out this field
Did you pay quarterly estimates payments?
Select an option
Did you receive a PPP loan?
Select an option
Please provide any additional context you would like to add or ask any questions you have
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